Welcome to Literature Repository for Indoor Data Management

Indoor spaces may accommodate very large populations of moving individuals. In fact, people spend large parts of their lives in indoor spaces such as private homes, office buildings, shopping malls, conference facilities, airports, and subway stations.

Indoor Positioning Systems built by multiple wireless technologies and their produced mobility data have attracted wide attention from various research communities and industries. Anti-terrorist missions, customer engagements, disaster aids, logistics, manufacturing, urban transportation, medical services, and many other businesses can all benefit significantly from making use of indoor-space mobility data.

As increasing number of researches have been conducted on the management of indoor-space mobility data, we build this Literature Repository for the researchers or practitioners who are interested in such topics to explore freely. Wish you a good luck and enjoy it!


Last Modified: Aug 11, 2016.

Built by Latex Beamer with the Darmstadt+beaver theme.

The current version of the fulltext pdf is v. 2016-08-11, in total 615 pages, with a size of 35.4MB.

Change Logs:

  1. update the section 2.7;
  2. update the section 5.1;
  3. finish and revise the section 4.1.
  4. build the fulltext version.


We're recently busy adding more contents to enrich this repository, thus you might find a number of typos/errors in the current version of slides. We sincerely thank you for your efforts of reporting problems to us by emails and/or direct messages in any time. Please feel free to contact Huan. Looking forward to hearing from you!


  1. To give a brief review introduction to indoor data management techniques.
  2. To review a series of works in this field, including their proposed models, indexes and algorithms.
  3. To discuss how to bring those advanced theoretical contents into practice.

A Reading List


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